With regards to your
chest pain, the symptoms might be related to
heartburn (stomach drugs are needed such as antiacids or
ranitidine or lanzoprazole; it all depends on the damages seen during fibro-gastro-scopy).
Another culprit could be heart problems due to smoking and using alcohol. Therefore, I suggest to do an ECG and cardiac
ultrasound to exclude such problems.
lipid profile and blood sugar tests should be performed to exclude such problems that could aggravate your situation.
Numbness in legs and buttocks are related to disk bulge, therefore, I suggest to follow the neurologists advice "watchful waiting".
At the end, it is better to quit smoking and drinking alcohol to avoid further severer damages. In addition, healthy eating and exercising can help you overcome such problems and keeping fit.
Although the tests I suggested might result without any severe problem, if you continue drinking alcohol or smoking, more problems would come out.
Hope it helped!