Lymph glands (or lymph nodes) are an important part of the body’s defense system against infection and illness.
You should call the
pediatrician if your child shows any of the following:
Lymph glands swollen and tender for more than five days
Fever higher than 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3 degrees Celsius)
Glands that appear to be swollen throughout the body
lethargy, or loss of appetite
Glands that enlarge rapidly, or the skin overlying them turning red or purple
Its needed to do some other investigation for proper Diagnosis.
CBC with ESR
Chest X ray
Biopys of gland , Culture
tuberculosis skin test.
Doing this investigation will help the doctor choose the most appropriate antibiotic
The treatment for swollen glands will depend on the cause.
If there’s a specific bacterial infection in nearby skin or tissue, antibiotics will clear it,
it may require not only antibiotics but also warm compresses to localize the infection, followed by surgical
you should get her evaluated once for her complaint to get her examined physically by a pediatrician
you can get back to me with the progress in case u need further suggestions.
I Wish your baby good health.