Thank you for choosing healthcaremagic.com to post your queries and for giving us this opportunity to clarify your doubts.
Well, I would like to tell you, anything under the sky can make children to throw up, right from crying, tension, dislike towards something,
abdominal pain, UTI, post-
cough, etc. So, it can be really difficult to figure out, why are the children throwing up.I would like to help you by telling you few of the bad signs of
vomiting :
1) Does he vomit in the morning and is it very forceful and unexpected?
2) Does the vomit contain blood, food particles or just some stomach secretions?
3) Is there any abdominal distension?
4) Any other systemic complaints like headache, vision complaints, urinary complaints,etc?
5) Does it happen in a cyclical fashion, say every month on few particular days?
6) Is it mood related- i mean he throws up when he is upset about something?
7) Is he losing weight or gets dehydrated?
Well, most of the danger signs are covered in the above questions. If none of them are positive, it is highly unlikely that it could be anything significant. You can safely ignore him and see his behaviour. But if this persists for longer, than it is better if you get him to be seen by some
pediatrician since your doctor might pick up some sign that you think is normal. In any case, you can wait for few more days if you have safely ruled out the above possibilities.
I hope I have been successful in clarifying all your doubts. Take care and stay healthy.