Many infants on formula milk pass green stools.
But till 6 months of age, exclusive breast feeding is the best for your baby. I would suggest that you might stop top feeds completely and switch over to exclusive breast milk.
You must take a nutritious diet (Fruits, vegetables, nuts, milk, egg) and adequate fluid. You must also take adequate rest. With these you will produce enough milk for your baby.
Once you start supplementing with formula milk, breast milk secretion will reduce. And if formula milk is given through a bottle, your baby is going to have more problems if its not adequately sterilized.
The problems of gas, fussiness,
colic etc are more seen with formula fed infants.
Make it a point to burp after each feeds. Along with routine body
massage, do not forget to give massage to her tummy too (Circular strokes around
umbilicus, Inverted L and Inverted U strokes).
You may also approach your
Pediatrician for medications like colicaid- that will help to some extent.
Just change of formula will not solve the problem.
Its better to put her on exclusive breast feeds till 6 months of age.
Hope my answer helps you.
Wish your kid good health.