Hi. My 6 year old daughter is about 3 weeks post ingluenza, from which dhe recovered nicely. Shes been very crabby and tired this week. Downright belligerent and unlike her normal self. We moved 3 months ago and have a new Kindergarten teacher so it could be multiple things.Shes been complaining of R neck pain x 2 days but I couldnt really palpate anything. Tonight, however, she has a swollen lymph node (i think) on the right side which is getting larger for the last 6 hours. Its approx the size of a quarter in the middle but the swelling extends forward to her jaw. She complains of ear and jaw pain and appears to be cutting a molar on the opposite side that I dont think is related. She is afebrile or very low fever. I just gave her 160mg tylenol (shes 45#) bc she woke screaming it hurt and was laying on that side. I propped her up an turned her. She says cold feels better than heat. I mention the flu et al just in case it is a post-viral issue. She does have allergies and has recently had a bloody nose, which seems benign and happens 3-4x a year. She has also complained of a headache . Most noticeable is the moodiness and rudeness, which would make sense if she hadnt been feeling well. She has fallen back asleep for now. I am a single parent and of course my car happens to be in the shop. This seems to be how these things go. I m hesitant to wake her (and a friend for a ride) at 2:30 am for a trip to the ER but she was really in legitimate pain earlier and I dont like that the node is still swelling, though I guess I should be grateful her immune system is working well. She has a day off tomorrow for Presidents day and was going to the YMCA with a friend. I dont know if I should send her now even with no fever. I also do NOT have an understanding boss at all and I missed 2 days in January with her influenza . They make no bones about making you feel you may lose your job at anytime even with the ER documentation I brought in then. I wss written up for leaving 2 hours early to take her to her ped for follow up. Unfortunately my mom passed away before her birth, I do notvhave siblings and my ex-husband refuses to participate in her care though he really wanted a child until her birth. My support system is limited so its not that her health isnt priority, but I do have to try to make the best decisions possible until I find different employment. After her ladt illness , I did decide that I cant stress too much about employment as Id NEVER forgive myself if I ignored a health issue that caused her great discomfort or further injury. Please advise. Im tired and not sure what to think except why can t our csr break down when we have a positive bank balance and no one is ill? Thanks in advance. Her nane is Lucy btw and she s the very best thing thats everbhappened to me;)