Hello friend,
Thank you for posting your query through Healthcare magic.
I am a Homoeopath answering your query and I wish to share some thoughts with you. I know for certain that these thoughts will be entirely different from what you have heard so far because Homoeopathy is a new medical science and less popular when compared with the conventional medicine.
It is you who suffered from a
chronic cough of 10 years duration and never in the past you might have experienced that the irritation to cough is coming from a cyst that is in the posterior part of your naso pharynx. No where in the medicine it is recorded that a Thornwalt cyst will produce such a chronic cough.
Thornwalt cyst is formed as a result of retraction of the notochord where it contacts with the endoderm of the primitive pharynx. Initially it forms a small diverticulum. Eventually inflammation results in obliteration of the mouth, resulting in a cyst. This is a
benign cyst and not producing a symptom so serious like a chronic cough of 10 years long. Therefore please do not think that this is producing the cough and by doing a surgery you will be free from cough.
Then who is the culprit? The answer is your Miasm. I know that you understood nothing. This is a term used in Homoeopathy to represent the genetic tendencies in you, transferred from your past generations and you got them from your parents.
In my long years of clinical practice I had several such instances of long continued cough that evaded the diagnosis and hence the treatment of the conventional medical specialists. They were all cured with the genetic and constitutional treatment of Homoeopathy. Most common tendencies are found in patients who had the family history of cancer or
tuberculosis. In some cases suppression of minor allergic conditions like
allergic dermatitis or
allergic rhinitis also have caused to develop this type of chronic cough without any other diagnostic evidence.
Therefore my advice to you is to approach an expert Homoeopathic physician at the earliest for curing your cough.
I can also help you provided you approach me directly through the premium question facility of Healthcare magic with full details of YOU and your complaints. Since it is a chronic problem, your life situations, your reactions to them, your past and family histories, your treatment history etc are very important data needed to cure YOU. Homoeopathy never treats cough but treats YOU and YOU only.
With Best Wishes,
Dr. C. J. Varghese,