I have had Chronic Pain for 2.5 years since a ACDF on C6.C7 due to severe stenosis in June 2010 and in July 2010 I had discectomy L5.S1. I never had pain before just little aches and weakness. I now take 30mg morphine 2xs per day and Percocets 2 10/325 tree times per day along with a long list of muscle relaxers, anxiety, and depression medication. I recently had an MRI which states most levels are unremarkable but my C6/C7 has moderate/severe stenosis and my C4/C5 same thing along with random osteothites (spelling). My question is if I have a fustion with Plate, screws, hardwar, how can I still have stenosis in the same location? Any suggestions other than surgery forthe other levels. Pain levels are at a constant 6/7 with medication and spike to9/10 at least once per week. Activity level is low and I do use a TENSE unit, PT one week, stretches, hot and cold therapy. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Also, how do you tell the difference between just bad genes and MS?