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cough are very common in first 5-6 years of life, especially during winter months. However, the frequency you are mentioning - once a month and
fever lasting for 8-10 days is unusual.
Telekast-L kid contains 2 different types of anti-allergic medications -
Montelukast and
LevoCetirizine. You have not mentioned how long have you been giving Telekast-L tablet.
I feel she has lost weight due to frequency of fever, cough and cold she has been getting. Once, it gets in control - she should gain weight.
Has she ever had any blood tests/xrays done? Does she get frequent
skin infection or loose stools?
She should be given all healthy, home-made food you are having in your family at this age group. You can try balanced meals like cerelac formulas, egg if you eat egg in your household, milk etc.
Please discuss with your doctor (Paediatrician) if your daughter needs any laboratory testing for frequent infections and poor weight gain.
All the best
Dr Tejas Shah