hello hozefa.calcuttawala,
thanks for posting ur query on healthcaremagic forum,
ur irritation could be due to deviated
nasal septum (
DNS)- a condition where the
nasal bone grows more than the normal and then it become a slight deviated to accomodate in the area. or due to
pollen allergy (common in the mornings).
it is advisable to u get urself checked by a nearby physician to know ur case. along with these following regime will help u develop immunity.
1)cover ur nose with a clean cotton mask whenever u step out in early morning.
2) never sleep directly under the fan.
3) do breathing exercises like pranayam and anlom vilom.
4) have plenty of fruits and liquids in ur diet.
5) include
vitamin C in ur daily diet. to do this, the easy way is to add a few drops of lemon in ur vegetables when u serve for urself.
6) have regular routine, fixed hours of sleeping time and waking time and regular diet.
in this way u will be stronger enough to fight any minor illness without medicines.
and for ur
sneezing issue advise you to take a single dose of homoeopathic medicine Kali carb 200 and wait for 15 days. and do let me know after that.
take care.
for further queries u may contact at aashirwadhomoeopathyclinic@gmail.com
Dr. Rooma Ramnani
Healthcaremagic community.