I am 35 years old. I am a mother of 3 children, and expecting my fourth child November 28th, 2012. I have a serious concern for my health. Since 1996, I have had I can t even count how many UTI s, bacterial infections, H pylori infection, gastrointestional infections, countless kidney stones . I have been given cipro, clindamycin , macrobid , (ammoxicilin, ceftin , keflex, bactrum: no longer can take allergic reaction .) In the past few months I was even given a 7 day injection to get rid of 2 bacterias. I thought finally my doctor who was in contact with infectious disease specialist for perinatal group to get rid of the bacterias once and for all. Well, this past week I was hospitilized with severe back pain, blood in my urine (once again) turns out I now am battling with Group Strep B, Proteus Mirabilis, and E-Coli. I feel like I am a walking bacteria infection. My OB/GYN and her partner are shaking their heads can t for the life of them understand why I continuously keep getting infections after doing the 7, 10, 14 day antibiotics. Its extremely stressful for me, my boyfriend, my children. The last time I felt this ill was last October where I pretty much get border line septic with fevers, chills, vommitting weight loss. The last series of antibiotics about a month a go I felt on top of the world for about 2 weeks. I know its normal to be tired and weak while being pregnant. When I feel great I feel great when I am constantly fighting infections I am unable to be a caretaker my immune system has been compromised for years. Several years ago my x husband (not my childrens father) I was married to a man who was very abusive and admitted to me that he poisoned me with putting fecal matter in my water on a regular basis. As a child, I was constantly put on penicilin for ear infections. I am writing you because I m not sure what to do. I have been battling with depression, and anxiety about this even more so because of my unborn baby. Taking all of these antibiotics will this harm my baby? After I am done the antibiotics I am on now I will immediately start macrobid which makes me feel worse than my all day morning sickness. I have no energy I eat healthy was diagnosed with gestational diabetes early on in my pregnancy. I try to follow the 2000 calorie a day diet which I can t eat very much because Im never hungry. I have lost about 16 lbs. I am 185 lbs and my baby is measuring the correct weight. I also take zofran and prilosec prenatal vitamins on a daily basis. With Im not sure if its the all day morning sickness or its the bacterias that are causing me to lose weight and not wanting to eat. I m just at the point where I don t know what to do. Can these bacterias (I know about the Group Strep B) harm my unborn baby? Is there something I shouldn t eat that is causing the bacterias to constantly return? I m so weary because of this. Please help me so I can be a healthy Mommy to my 3 children and to my unborn baby.