Hi and thank you so much for this query.
I a sos orry to hear about your runny nostrils and the recent bleeding episodes.
From the information you have provided, constant runny nostril causes inflammation of the
nasal cavity lining. This causes the blood vessels there to become fragile and easily rupture with the least
stress like blowing the nose or in extreme cases spontaneously.
The solution here is to make sure your running nose is well managed. Because of the allergies you have, I think your doctor should consider using antihistaminics over a reasonable lenghth of time to keep your symptoms control and prevent yo from coming down with another episode of nose bleeding.
I understand how frightening it is to see blood every where. Sorry about that. Also, try and get some iron tablets to replace the losses as this may predispose you to
anemia. Avoid blowing your nostrils hard(be gentle) and always avoid insert your fingers into your nostrils. If at any time the bleeding becomes uncontrollable and is profuse, go to the emergency room for immediate attention.
I hope this provides enough information for you to act on and make informed decisions. i wish you the very best of possible outcomes. Please, feel free to return and ask for more information if need be.
Dr. Ditah, MD