My boyfriend has constant sinus problems blows nose continuously. He had sinus surgery and been to many doctors When he went for an MRI a year ago, he told the nurse he had this kind of test done previously and nothing shows up, he told her the problem seems to be in his jaw area, so the nurse tried to get close to the jaw line. When test was done the nurse told him that there was something showing up on the results. He then went to his gen. practitioner, who told him he does not know how to help him and maybe he needs to go to a teaching hospital. He seems to have symptoms of bone infection. He has had this problem since he had wisdom teeth taken out 40 years previously. He tries to make apts. with maxoficiall doctors to no avail, he needs a doctor to refer him. He right now is in the Northern Chicago area, please help ;he is about to give up hope, he is so frustrated.