Hello Adna,
Welcome to HCM and thanks for posting
It is possible that you are having polyps but I will like to take your description of symptoms and leave the part of the polyps first. Your symptoms are those of flu syndrome which could be as a result of
sinusitis and depending on the duration of the symptoms ( < 1 month= acute, > 1month= chronic). The specific microbial causes according to most common will be viral (usually acute), bacteria such as strep, H.
influenza, moraxella etc (usualy acute) and staph and anaerobes for chronic infection. If viral infection symptomatic treatment for a couple of days will suffice to manage the affection while bacteria infection will require
oral antibiotics, analgesics/opiates, antihistaminics (chlopheniramine,
phenylephrine, cafeine,
paracetamol etc) and/or nasal steroids. Greenish mucus discharges usually indicate pyogenic bacteria infection and so antibiotics need to be included in your treatment. Now, for other causes of stuffy nose and mucus discharge we have anatomical abnormalities like polyps ( which my require use of steroids or surgery), allergies, asthma, immune deficiencies and even overuse of topical decongestants. So, your doctor will need to first eliminate infectious causes (bacteria, viral and even fungal) by examination, analysis of mucus in lab, blood tests (
complete blood count) and even imagery study like CT, MRI or X-ray. Ones diagnosis confirmed, appropriate treatment can be started.
You may have to visit an
ENT specialist if despite above, you still remain symptomatic.
Thank you and hope this helps