Hello, rakes.141,
Let me congratulate you that you have decided to be a physician !
Hopefully, you will become a gastroenterologist !
It is very common for medical students and nursing students, even
interns and residents to think about differential diagnosis about
any symptoms they experience and assume they are suffering from
that disease or condition.
However, as a medical student , you have a lot of
stress related to
your studies. If you are having
GERD symptoms, I am sure stress is
adding to your acid problems. Also, I am sure your eating habits
are variable due to your schedule.
Pantoprazole is effective when
taken properly, atleast an hour after your big meal of the day.
If you have been on the medications regularly for 4-6 weeks and if you
are still having some difficulty with swallowing etc. you should have
an endoscopic examination to look at the EG juncion and gastric lining.
You should be tested for H.Pylori. You mention that you have fruits,
but if they are citrous that could add to the acidity. Also, Milk can
cause acid reboind due to calcium.
Hope I have given you enough to digest.
Good luck.