I have had 1 long migraine for 5 years, many doctors, nuerologist, acupunture, spinal taps, mris, catscans, brain specialists, to now have to have pic line put in whenever in hospital later no one knows why or can get it to stop. Every med made for migraines I ve been on, self injected pain meds. Was falling quite a bit, then woke up to rash covering abdomine spreading down my legs, started in my belly button, said was an infection, didn t know where from how I got it or how to treat it. Still have that with solid tender spot on left side just below upper ribs. Only 2 surgeries get tubes tied and hysterectomy. Hysterectomy was 2 1/2 months before migraine set in. What now? What could be cause ? Some say rare case may live with forever. I have 4 kids and husband , very hard to have to be that way forever. What can it b? Help please. MS maybe? Or infection from hystorectomy surgery? Was looking online those r sulfer meds. Allergic to sulfur.