Hello and welcome to HCM,
I understand that you are having pseudomonal infection. You are having symptoms despite taking corsacin and it appears that it did not act.
Pseudomonas is difficult to treat organism and if treatment is not taken properly, it becomes resistant to drugs.
I suggest that you repeat the vaginal swab test and this time do an antibiotic sensitivity testing. This test determines the antibiotic which is active against the bacteria. Then this antibiotic is used to ensure better treatment outcome. You may even need injectable antibiotics.
Also if you have not checked your sugars recently, get them checked as diabetics are prone to unusual infections.
If it does not clear with oral or injectable drugs, use of
betadine vaginal pessaries for 5-7 days may be tried. They are usually irritating but may be used as a last resort. Discuss this with your doctor.
It is advisable to use condoms and also test your partner for presence of infection as the infection may be transferred from one to the other and vice versa.
Hope this answered your query.
Thanks for using HCM,
Dr Madhuri Bagde
Consultant Ob Gy