Hi, I had unprotected sex on the 11th Dec, 2 hours later I took the 1st pill of postinor 2 and forgot to take the second pill 12 hours later. I broke down with a flu 2 days later and had boils so I had to use antibiotics. Days later, I started experiencing breast tenderness, nausea and I became bloated. I hoped as the time for my expected period draws near the breast tenderness and headache would go away but it didn't. On the 28th Dec which was the day of my expected period, I started having cramps, but instead of blood it was a reddish/pinkish mucouos then 3 spots of blood,n then the next day with the cramps, I thought it would be my period but it was milky discharge. Some days r upbeat, some days I am so weak...could I be pregnant? this is 5 days after my expected period and still no period