Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns.
At present there are no identified genetic factors that contribute to the development of
cervical cancer .
Besides taking
human papillomavirus (HPV) shots ,the only means of preventing
HPV infection is to avoid direct contact with lesions. Condoms may reduce the risk for HPV transmission; condoms also prevent other sexually transmitted infections, which are risk factors.
smoking cigarettes is important in preventing cervical cancer.
Among women infected with HPV, risk of cervical cancer appears to be increased among women who have had a greater number of full-term pregnancies or a longer duration of oral
contraceptive use
Cervical cancer is generally preceded by precancerous changes to the
cervix. Detection and treatment of these precancerous changes can prevent the development of cancer. The best way to identify precancerous cervical changes is through cervical
cancer screening.
Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us.
Wishing you good health.
• DISCLAIMER: - All the information provided here is for information purpose only , it is not a substitute for the advice of a physician after physical examination , it is not intended to replace your relationship with your doctor. This information in no way establishes a doctor-patient relationship. Before acting anything based on this information do consult your doctor. I recommend that online users seek the advice of a physician who can perform an in-person physical examination