About four weeks ago I vomitted following eatting about a half a bottle of generic peanuts, which I am not allergic to. The day following I had a terrible burning sensation in esophagus/stomach location. It killed and took milk of magnesia and went to doctor. Doctor sent to OR and all tests normal. The next day had a slight bit of dark stool and I assumed that it was from a mild ulcer that had bled due to throwing up. Doctor had gall bladder ultrasound and had ejection fraction tested. On my own I treated the pain as an ulcer and have not had an attack since before the ejection test. I told doctor this but the test came back with ejection fraction of 8%! I do not have any pain, feel great. I am taking an antacid and plan to discontinue. Doctor wants me to see surgeon to get gall bladder removed, but he says it is up to me. What would be symptoms of having this low ejection rate? I do not have any signs or symptoms of gallbladder disease..chalky stool, pain in back, etc. I feel great. I am 52, weigh 118 and don't eat alot of fatty foods.