Hallow Dear,
The cardinal and first symptom of
pregnancy is missed period. Though it is not absolutely clear from your history whether you have missed your period or not, the impression I got is you have not missed period. Even if you have missed period, the other following symptoms start appearing after about 10 days or so after missed period. These symptoms are:
1. Nausea &
Vomiting and Pica
2. Frequent urination
3. Breast symptoms: Engorgement with tenderness, dark discolouration of nipples and
areola with increase in areolar size, Montgomery's tubercles under areola and secretions from the nipples.
Pain is not a feature of normal uneventful pregnancy without any risk. Appearance of pain anytime during pregnancy is indicative of some risk to the pregnancy.
If you have missed your period, you can confirm the diagnosis of pregnancy by performing pregnancy test on overnight first early morning urine sample 8-10 days after missed period. Earlier these tests may give false negative results. Alternatively, you may opt for
Beta hCG test which gives reliable results even few days before missing period.
Abdominal pain with low back ache is a classic feature of amoebic
colitis which can be treated with
Metronidazole. In this condition, the stools are stained with blood and/or mucous.
I hope this helps you.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri