Hi there,
I am Dr. Deepak, I work in Emergency Department, where I see many patients with injury to their head. As you mentioned you had injured your head 2 days back while playing basketball, Now you are feeling alright, except for the pressure at the point of impact.
I feel you had sustained minor injury to your head, I can say that as
1. you didn't had any dizzy feeling.
2. You didn't had
vomiting even though you had
3. You didn't loose consciousness.
4. You are not feeling any
numbness or weakness of any one side of your body
5. You are not having any blueish discoloration around your eyes and behind the ear
6. You are not having any trouble with walking.
And the most important thing is you are pretty much okay right now.
So it suggest that you don't have to worry about serious
brain injury or
hematoma inside the brain.
The pressure that you feel its because of the swelling of the muscles in the temple region, As muscles are surrounded by layer of membrane, it also has limited space to expand. So when muscles expands after the injury, you feel like pressure.
You can apply some ice pack and take some pain killer till the pressure symptoms come down. It might take time for that like 6-8 days.
Thank you
Hope your concern was dealt with and hope you have a speedy recovery.