Welcome and thank you for asking on HCM!
I understand your concern and would explain that it is important to perform a careful differential diagnosis of your symptomatology.
A radicular disorder, related to a cervico thoracal
disc disorder could mimic this clinical scenario.
From the other hand an gastro esophageal reflux or any other gastroesophgeal disorders (esophageal spasms, etc) could explain the pain after throwing up.
Besides, the symptoms related to your heart (flutters), raise the suspicions of a possible cardiac disorder (
cardiac arrhythmia and
What is your age? What about your past medical history?
I recommend consulting with your GP for a careful physical examination, a resting ECG and cardiac
ultrasound, a chest X ray study and some blood lab tests :
-complete blood count
-PCR, sedimentation rate
-fasting glucose
-blood electrolytes
-kidney and liver function tests, etc.
cervical spine X ray followed by a possible CT scan may be needed if suspicions of a possible cervical column disorder are raised.
I recommend discussing with your doctor on the above issues.
Hope to have been helpful!
Feel free to ask any other questions, whenever you need!
Dr. Iliri