Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to HCM.
Read and reviewed query.
Based on facts of your query, You seem to suffer from-
Ulnar Nerve entrapment-for which you got operated few yrs back.
I would advise- EMG study and to assess functionally to plan release of
fibrosis, causing -recompression from fibrosed tissue around.
Orthopedic surgeon who did last surgeon is the best person to talk why this is happening.
Else you take
Second opinion from Second Orthopedic Surgeon,who would plan the best by release of fibrosis around the ulnar nerve and muscles.
CT study would give a rough idea, upon which to plan further treatment with your doctor.
This Would go a long way for better happy life for you.
Hope this would resolve your health issues early.
Welcome for any further query in this regard.
Good Day !!
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Senior Surgical Specialist and Thorasic / Chest Surgeon