Good day, I am a 33 year old female. When i had my second child through C-Section and they administered the epidural was administered in theater. i noticed that it was very strange as the Anethesist inserted the needle about 9 times into my back, i had severe pain shooting down my right leg, He said that sometimes it;s difficult to find the right spot. About 2 weeks after my son was born i had severe back pain and my My GP gave me Cortizone injections ever since then on a regular basis for my back. It has been 5 years after my sons birth and my back is worse than ever. I never had back problems before then. My Doctor sent me for X-Rays. The report said that there is a slight curve of the lumber spine to the left, there is mild narrowing of the proximal intervertebral lumber disc spaces and there is facet joint degeneration distally, especially on the left. at this moment i have sever pain and swelling in my tailbone with large enflamed "discs" on my upper buttox area at the tailbone area. I am in severe pain unable to walk properly, can"t sit at all and can't sleep. I have constant migrains and swollen feet. I am situated in South Africa and our medical staff are very unwilling to help on week-ends. could you tell me if this could be from my epidural>