i am a diabetic, and is on Insulin inj. 28 & 26 units (total 54 units) per day. This apart, I take JANUVIA 100, AND GLYCOMET 1 Gm. per day. I am also hpertensive, and I take TELMA H + FRUSELAC in morning, and Telma 40 in the evening. This FRUSELAC was started 2 1/2 years ago when I had swollen feet ( edema ) and Doctor said this was for ALDO-10 (AMLODIPIN). Since then my feet were O.K. But for past 3 months, I am having Dermatitis in legs & feet, skin turning blackish as if dirty, Doctor said it is Cellulitis . Plus this swelling once again. WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH THIS FRUSELAC ? ANY SUBSTITUTE / REPLACEMENT ?