Welcome to health care magic!
I have read your question and found that you have a
fatty liver with two focal nodular hyperplasias on left lobe. There is recurrent
chronic pain in left upper quadrant, sometimes radiating to left shoulder.
From the report you have provided, I can say that your guess is right. The pain in your left shoulder is due to these tumors on the ouer edge of left lobe +/_ fatty liver.
I will try to expain it:- There is a nerve called :
phrenic nerve, (right and left respectively) supplying the daiphragm and giving one assecory branch to respective shoulder joint. So, whenever the swellings of liver lobe/ or as it is already fatty, irritates the diaphragm (while breathjing etc.), there is pain in left qudrant and simultaneously pain in same sided shoulder. This kind of pain is known as "reffered pain", as there is no
injury to shoulder per say!
Hope this answer helps solving your query
Please feel free to ask more questions
Dr. Manisha Gopal