Hello .. H.Pylori is a bacteria present in the stomach, is related with dyspepsia and ulcers.
The essential factor to be considered is How was the diagnosis of H Pylori made ? Usually we do a
breath test or we do it when an endoscopy is done, at that time we do a biopsy.Also on endoscopy we look for Hiatal hernia, which is a common cause recurrant dyspepsia. So, the issues in your case is are we dealing with a failure of treatment / inadequate treatment or a related cause of Dyspepsia like Hiatal hernia.
Please note that medical treatment for H pylori is a triple therapies for 10-14 days. The treatment regimens are
amoxicillin, and
clarithromycin (OAC) for 10 days;
bismuth subsalicylate,
metronidazole, and
tetracycline (BMT) for 14 days; and
lansoprazole, amoxicillin, and clarithromycin (LAC), which has been approved for either 10 days or 14 days of treatment.
treatment to be effective, it is important to take the entire course of all medications
A repeat Breath test is done after the treatment to ascertain the cure.
So please get a repeat breath test done for H Pylori anad if +ve take a repeat course of treatment, as per the senstivity of the organism in your part of the wowrld.
If it is negative then look fro other causes of Dyspepsia, as noted above and Lastly please remember the diet control and non smoking habit.
with best wishes