Hi just over 4 wks ago i woke up one morning with the room spinning, i then developed a cold so i assumed i just had some kind of virus. 2 wks later cold gone, but still off balance, my husband called the ambulance for me as i had some kind of weird spinning sensation and was petrified. The paramedics did an ECG, tested me for diabetes, took my BP, then phoned a doc who said it was Viral Labyrinthitis and prescribed Stemetil. Since then i have been to my own doc and he says it's BPPV and changed my meds to Serc. I am booked in for an Epley next monday. I have had to ring doc today as i wasn't able to move due to no balance and the doc has increased the Serc. I am into my 4th week and have convinced myself that i have a tumour or something sinister. I have never been so scared in my life!!