My aunt rescues cats and at a time has a minimum of 100 cats in her basement, well my uncle has been extremely ill for about a year now. He, however, has always been overweight and a smoker. He has been to doctor after doctor and no one can tell him what is wrong, but he also leaves out the fact that he lives with so many cats. Since he was first hospitalized for difficulty breathing I have said he needs to move out of that house and I bet a million dollars he would start to feel better. He now has water around his heart, he cannot get his blood sugar under control, and they have diagnosed him with COPD. I know breathing in cat urine is harmful especially in such high concentrations cause of the amonia within it, but what are some other possible diseases from cats, their urine and feces, and the kitty litter? Maybe with some facts that the cats could be making him ill he will actually speak to the doctor about it.