Hello, I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and CFS... I believe, I may have lymes disease, it was not detected on 2 different tests but I was reading earlier that 90% of the regular labs in this country will not detect it and my bloodwork should be sent to a specific lab. Does anyone know which lab that may be. I also just had most of my thyroid removed 2 months ago. I was ok for the first month and then I was supposed to get bloodwork done and get back to my endocrinologist....umm I am exhausted almost always, my pain is horrible, although I made my doctor finally take me off the pain meds and just leave me on a patch...the pills were poison and noone should prescribe them except on a short time basis. I need so much help and noone will treat me as a whole person. I must go to specialist after specialist. I need help.