I have been diagnosed recently with Hashimotos Disease, but I have had swollen, red gums for a year and a half now and they bleed when agitated, but not when not agitated. And I had low Vitamin B , not sure which one, but they have started me on a Complex B supplement . My doctor has started me on 50mcg Synthroid . I have been on it for about 6 weeks, with no change in the gums, etc. Is it possible that an increased amount of Synthroid might relieve the swollen gums? My dentist wants to do a full scale scraping of my gums, where they peel back my gums for a deep, deep cleaning and I am hesitant as I feel this may be hormonal versus bacteria, in origin. PS: I have had normal, dental cleanings for years with no issues. It was not until the sudden onset of the swollen, red, bleeding gums . So I guess my question is two fold. One, with increased thyroid treatment, will my gum issue resolve and secondly, is it appropriate for me to tell my dentist to Hold Off on the full peel back because my gums are swollen and bleed when agitated?