Hi. My mom is 71 years old. She has been diagnosed with Layomyo Sarcoma in 2008. She had a tumour removed that was growing outside the colon then. In 2010 after a CT scan showed mets to the liver and lungs, she had surgery again. Six tumors were removed from the liver and 11 leighsions remained in the lungs. She had 12 chemotherapy sessions. July 2012 after another scan I was told that treatment was not effective and she will be treated symptomatic from then on. In January this year a large tumour was removed from her back but the results showed "incomplete". Currently my mom is experiencing the following: swollen neck, abdomen, right foot. She only experience pain now and then - not sure if she is hiding anything- She sometimes have pain in her neck, shoulders, feet and hands. her complextion is slightly darker, constipation and tiredness. However she still do most things by herself. She stays with me. Her GP is very vague and not very forthcoming with information, which frustrates me. Hospice does regular checkups. All I want to know is what to expect and how long my mom has to live. It seems she does not understand what's happening to her. Many thanks Gaironese