I am a 27 year old female. I was diagnosed with a kidney stone ( CT scan ) a week and 3 days ago, after experiencing the worst pain of my life. It was at my ureteropelvic junction, a 4-5mm piece of agony. The urologist immediately wanted to operate, I asked him to discharge me and give me a chance to pass it normally without surgical intervention. That night the agony set in again, but this time when I stood up and went to the toilet, the pain subsided enough for me to go back to bed. I have not had pain since then, no problem urinating, no blood in my urine, no fever , basically asymptomatic . Now however I have a constant urge to urinate, with an uncomfortable pressure right by my pelvic bone. I do not struggle to urinate, but it does feel like my bladder is not empty when I get up from the toilet, so I need to go immediately again. This is obviously incredibly irritating. I just want to know whether this is the stone trying to leave my bladder? I still do not have any other symptoms, no pain urinating, no visible blood in my urine, no fever or chills, no pain other than the mild pain in my pelvic region.