Hello, I have been diagnosed by one doctor with carpal tunnel syndrome (right and left hand) and possible radial tunnel syndrome (right hand)(specialist, who now works as a consultant at my work) and by another with ( tendonitis both hands)(NHS GP in UK). I am not sure witch diagnose should I consider. My symptoms are: started with repetitive movement injury by the thumbs in both hands (could not fully bend my hand and open the thumb and index finger ) on 11.08.2012, on 13.08.2012 tingling on tips of fingers on right hand and since then spreading over from my hand to the arm, as well itching, pins and needles (not a specific region but all over from my fingers to the arm), numbness on my hand (fingers, palm and the back of the hand – so all over) up to the elbow , heat flushes from the wrist to the arm (again all over), cold hand (always), painful shocks all over (like electric shocks coming from inside), normal pain, swelling around the wrist forming a circle around my hand (mostly by the thumb) up to the middle from the wrist to the elbow, my veins came out all around my hand, and from the wrist to the elbow, and when I am doing something they come out even more and I can feel them getting warm (almost burning) and painful. When I press certain point on my hand, and from the wrist to the elbow I can feel more numbness, pins and needles and pain. When I am wriggling my fingers I can feel pins and needles everywhere. I can still feel when I am touching my hand (fingers, palm and top of my hand), but the sensation is very small, almost as if it is not present. I do not feel that my hands are cold, I know, because it is cold when I am touching my arm or such. This was all about my right hand. My left hand is mostly the same, but less intense, and the sensations have spread out only just above my elbow. Please could You help me try to diagnose this correctly, because when I was reading the symptoms of all three sicknesses, they all seem the same to me. Kind Regards, Michalina Used so far: Ibuprofen 400mg every 4 hour Just office work, no lifting, no manual handling, just writing and computer work