My husband is diagnosed having 2 kidney stones, in left kidney, a calculus measuring 7 noted in mid pole of left kidney. A calculus measuring 7mm noted in left upper ureter 3.5 fro pelviureteric junction causing mild proxial hydronephrosis. He is give nedication of contiflo 4MG and pain killer Drologen Tablet (SOS). My concern is the patient is having pain though nthey related?ot that severe pain. Due t the pain he is unable to sleep, so he takes Drologen. Doctor prescribed to take pain killer only if their is severe pain. Patient is taking the medicine to get rid of pain and can be comfortable. More over he has not pass motion since 2 days for that Doctor had gievn him Daculox Suppositories, Syp. Cremaffin. But still he hasnt pass motion. Does dis Kidney stone related to motion issue. Please Avdvice.