Hi welcome to Health care magic forum.
Tylenol and percocet are
analgesic antipyretic drugs. Tylenol contains only
paracetamol, used for uess painfull conditions. Percocet contains paracetamol and
opium derivative, which is a
narcotic analgesic with more analgesic efficasy, and it has habbit forming tendency.
I advise you to follow some diet recommendations which help as supporting factors for pain relief. Avoid taking potato, other tubers , tomato, cauliflower, coconut, beans group, egg , chicken, fish, and other sea foods, which tend to increase the pain perception, for 1month, then stop the drugs, to have an idea of the procedure. If there is relief, you can continue the abstance of these foods, It is effective in some people only, if there is no relief, you can continue with the drugs.
Wishing for a complete recovery and thanks foer calling.