Hello kelligcsc. Thank you for visiting healthcaremagic.com.
Mononucleosis is a viral illness caused by the
Epstein-Barr virus characterized by
splenomegaly (spleen englargement),
hepatomegaly (liver enlargement) ,fevers, severe weakness, sore throat, myalgia (muscle soreness), headache, nausea, and
abdominal pain.
These are the most common signs and symptoms but there are others as well. The splenomegaly is severe enough that a patient can, if they have abdominal trauma while spleen is enlarged, have spleen rupture. This is why no one is allowed to play sports while they have mono.
Unfortunately there is no treatment to shorten the illness of mono and the mainstay of treatment is rest and to maintain hydration. Mononucleosis usually last greater than 6 weeks.
The heart palpitations, if they continue, need to be addressed by your doctor even though most heart palpitations are benign. In very rare cases, heart palpitations can signify myocarditis or pericarditis in patients with mono. If the palpitations become severe or more frequent, go to emergency room.
Be well, Dr. Kimberly