Hello, Gargle with warm salt water to help reduce swelling and relieve discomfort:
Gargle at least once each hour with 1 tsp (5 g) of salt dissolved in (240 mL) of warm water.
If you have postnasal drip, gargle often to prevent more
throat irritation.
dehydration. Fluids may help thin secretions and soothe an irritated throat. Hot fluids, such as tea or soup, may help decrease throat irritation.
Use a vaporizer or humidifier in your bedroom.
Warm or cool mist may help you feel more comfortable by soothing the swollen air passages. It may also relieve
hoarseness. But don't let your room become uncomfortably
cold or very damp.
Use a shallow pan of water to provide moisture in the air through evaporation if you don't have a humidifier. Place the pan in a safe location where no one will trip on it or fall into it.
Do not smoke or use other tobacco products and avoid
secondhand smoke. For more information, see the topic Quitting
Smoking. Regards,