Hi, I have experienced abdominal health problems since I was in my early teens. For quite a while, doctors have thought I had endometriosis . I am now twenty years old, and I am experiencing many symptoms in line with celiac disease . I have an extremely distended stomach , especially after I eat. Sometimes I look 7 months pregnant. I am constantly gassy with a really foul odor, and my digestive track is just off. I also am anemic oftentimes. Lactose intolerance is something of which I have thought, but now I m thinking it s gluten . When I don t eat gluten, I feel so much better. Like I said, I m twenty years old, exercise a minimum of 5 days a week, eat extremely healthy (salads w/ no dressing, fruits, vegetables, meat, and quinoa primarily). When I have soups, cereals, or any kind of baked bread, I get messed up, though. Do you think this could be celiac and it s worth getting tested? Thank you for your help, Emily