Thank you for writing to us.
I have read about your problem but found it difficult to diagnose as you have not mentioned any symptoms. I'm not saying that she doesn't need help, she does but without making appropriate diagnosis / talking to the patient or talking to the caregiver, it is difficult to prescribe her anything correct.
In my practice I have seen such patients by making a home visit, where one can see the patient's actual condition and prescribe the correct medicine.
Psychiatric diagnosis are made of cluster of symptoms put together. Many symptoms are similar in several conditions. So it becomes difficult to diagnose without good history.
What I would do if facing your situation is -
1. either I' d take my mother forcefully once to a
psychiatrist OR
2. bring home a psychiatrist to interview her OR
3. may be talk in detail by making a visit to a psychiatrist my self
The condition you are in is not uncommon in our branch and psychiatrists do understand this.
Please don't loose hope and take any action as stated above, it will surely help your mother. Right medicine puts controls the illness and pt. shows desired response in few weeks only.
hope this reply will help you, feel free to ask further.
Dr. Manisha Gopal