hi there,
nice to meet you in HCmagic
After going through your history,
Approximately 80%-85% of menopausal women experience hot flashes, which can last for five years. Hot flashes(a sudden feeling of warmth that spreads over the body) and sweating can make it difficult to sleep.
1 Wear loose clothing to bed. Clothing made of natural fibers, like cotton, is usually best.
2 Keep your bedroom cool and well-ventilated.
3 Avoid certain foods that may cause sweating (such as spicy foods), especially right before bed.
4 Maintain a regular bedtime schedule, including going to bed at the same time every night
5 Exercise regularly but not right before sleep
6 Avoid excessive caffeine
7Avoid naps during the day, which can prevent you from sleeping well at night
8 finally, talk to your doctor about prescription medications that can help you sleep and
estrogen replacements for menopause
hope have helped you
thank you