hi, i work in an extreme heat environment. ive had dizziness , cramping, rapid heart rate many times when ive been in the heat for a long time. about 10 days ago i had such a day. the next day i was suffering with stomach cramping/discomfort & was still going light headed every now and again. i put this down to dehydration so i was drinking lots of water & electrolite drinks. i then had 4 days off & was still getting the same symptoms. since this ive started to notice that these symptoms come after i eat or have a bowel movement . i finished work on thursday this week, had my tea. when i got home i started to get stomach pain. my heart started racing to the point where i had to go to hospital. they tested my blood/ blood pressure urine etc & all ok. they said i may be constipated & gave me laxitive & said it was a panic attack. ive been taking the laxitive for a couple of days, it has made me more regular but im still getting different symptoms after eating or bowel movement. ive just had something to eat & now im getting neck pain & light headedness. yesterday it was pain down both sides of my back & stomach discomfort. ive also lost my appitite & have lost 1/2 a stone in 3 days. ive got an appointment with the doctor on tuesday but i dont know where to start. ive had back trouble for over a year so the neck pain i assosiated with that. sometimes its lower back, sometimes it feels like something prodding me in the middle of my back, sometimes rectal pressure when laying in faetal postion. do i tell the doctor all this or am i suffering from many ailments?