Hi I am a 19 year old female. I have a 8 month old daughter. My December period begain on the 12th and ran its 7 days as usual(mynormal periods are 7 days with medium flows) My janurary period was supposed to start the 9th and it was 4 days late and I started off spotting then it turned into a lite flow and only lasted 4 days with some googey blood in it. I didn t not take a pregnancy test because I started bleeding Before the bleeding i was 99 percent sure I was pregnant ! I am still feeling dizzy really bad lower back pain , headaches , extreamelly tired, very emotional, and eating more than normal, nausea , and acid reflux sore tender breast with the tingeling sensation of mild coming in. I did bleed in the beginning of my pregnancy with my daughter... I was needing advice of what could be causing all of this, I cant got to a doctor because I currentally don t have insurance.