My husband and I weren t trying to conceive so I haven t kept track of anything. I downloaded an app that I m following that says according to the date of my last period I would be in my 6th week if I am pregnant. Almost 3 weeks ago now I started having horrible symptoms that I ve never experienced before. Symptoms that I don t get with my period. We re very careful making sure we always use protection. However I m not on the pill because of the side effects it gives me. I thought possibly it could be that I was pregnant so I have taken two tests every week since then; that s 6 tests, all negative. I ve kept a journal with an entry every single day recording my symptoms. One thing that confuses me is at the beginning of this week, which would be week 6, 95% of my symptoms just suddenly stopped. Only a couple remain. I feel like it s far too early for that to happen. I called an OBGYN and set a new patient appointment but they won t even bring me in until two weeks from now. I m just so confused and frustrated. I just want an answer. The tests keep saying negative but I know my body, and this just doesn t feel normal. So here is the list of symptoms that started on day one. Most are not still current, like I said... Dizziness, weakness, lightheadedness, extreme fatigue, vertigo, sleeping all day and all night, food aversions, nausea, indigestion, acid reflux, anxiety and a tight throat feeling, bloating, severe constipation (like one BM a week), what I believe to be hemorrhoids, gas, cramps that feel different than my period cramps, ear ache, fluid in ears, sinus pressure and congestion, runny nose, asthma and tight chest, loss of appetite, frequent but light urination, bloody nose, and several more. All of these symptoms hit me all at once like a freight train out of nowhere and just as quickly almost three weeks later disappeared. One week after symptoms started I was supposed to have my period but it didn t com. 2 days after my period was due I had very bright pink spotting on the toilet paper. And then a couple days later I had really dark brown discharge when I urinated. I thought it could be implantation bleeding but everything I read said that it should only last a couple days and this discharge lasted a week. But it did not feel like my normal period. It had symptoms I ve never experienced before and it felt different. At this time the only things I have left are nausea, bloating, constipation, gas, and occasional headaches. I just don t feel normal but the tests keep saying negative. Help????