Hi! I had a partial nail avulsion on my right big toe . I had local anesthesia . There were no issues at all during the procedure. The next day, however, I was dizzy most of the day and continued to be lightheaded for five days. On the fourth day, I also started to feel tightness in the upper part of my chest/lower part of my throat . It feels as if I smoked too much the night before and I have a dry cough. Were it not for the fact that the exact same thing happened a few years ago when I had arthroscopic surgery on my knee (and was put under general anesthesia), I would not have made the connection to my surgical procedure, especially since this one was done under local anesthesia. But the feeling in my chest is unlike any other. Anyway, I am just wondering what causes this? I didn t have anything put down my throat this time and only my toe was frozen, so how can that affect my throat/chest and cause dizziness? Thanks!