A bit confusing picture.
Let us solve the maize one by one.
You had a surgery for ''entrapped hernia''. This itself predisposes to the chance of recurrent obstruction. Entrapped hernia can ooze a lot of fluid rich in bacteria.
Well this is the first part.
This can cause also a perforation as was told to you. and was repaired too.
Very true - the dried bowel can cause tis. But the first teaching to the Surgeons and the nurses is never allow them to dry-up.
The abdominal fluid is always there and does not allow the drying - this is by personal experience. So forget about drying -up theory.
If the pain started just after the surgery, the kinking/ obstruction is a possibility.
You have undergone surgery one and half year ago and if the pain is of recent origin, it is very difficult to comment upon the cause. It is probably due to
constipation and which may in turn be causing recurrent pains.
The best way to see this is called an ''enteroclysis''- meaning contrast X-rays after the tube is passed in the
duodenum directly ( helps getting better picture than the routine barium studies. This will help you/us get a clear picture.
A routine
enema for evacuation of the bowel is the best solution to find whether this helps relieve the pain or not.