Yes, I gave maybe 1/2 a teaspoon of a green food powder stirred into water to my friend for her to sample it. It is called Green Spectrum by Purium. It has organic powdered Alfalfa Leaf juice, Barley Grass juice, Oat Grass juice, Wheatgrass juice, Spirulina, Chlorella, Sea Kelp, Parsley, Broccoli, Cabbage, Kale, Dandelion Leaf, Dulse, Lo Han Berry Extract. She just contacted and said it made her have diarrhea & cramps since Friday when we had breakfast at a restaurant. She drank it mixed with tap water after eating. I use this supplement almost everyday for the past 4 months and never had this reaction. Shejust texted me back that she takes blood pressure mediction (I had asked her if she was taking any medication because there could be contraindication). She says she is going to the ER.