No, increased liver enzymes in and of themselves do not harm the baby. However, I don't know why your liver enzymes are elevated. We see
elevated liver enzymes with several serious conditions during pregnancy including
HELLP syndrome, and IHCP to name a few. These conditions can harm your baby and you. With the medicine you are on, it sounds like you make have
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (IHCP). Usually with this condition, you would have itching all over and elevated
bilirubin in your blood. IHCP can be threatening to the baby and you may need to be delivered early. Additionally, I don't know what your blood pressure is and if you have any signs of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a disorder of pregnancy that is associated with elevated blood pressure, protein in your urine, elevated liver enzymes (HELLP), and other bio marker abormalities. This condition is dangerous because it could be a precursor to eclampsia, which is characterized by a hypertensive seizure in pregnancy. A seizure can be dangerous to your little one because he or she doesn't get enough blood flow. I'm sure your doctor knows what he or she is doing. I think you are on the medicine you are on to help bring your liver enzymes down. Please make sure you follow up regularly with your doctor and go immediately to your delivery hospital if you have
abdominal pain, diffuse itching, headache, vision changes, vaginal bleeding, or decreased
fetal movement. These can all be a sign that something is wrong. Good luck!