Wow! A resting heart rate of 103! That is high. Normal is 60 to 90.
I'd ask to be tested for
thyroid disease.
Hyperthyroidism symptoms:
Irritability, anxiety,
muscle weakness, breathlessness, palpitations, warm moist skin, evidence of weight loss or gain, increased appetite, heat intolerance, increased sweating, increased thirst, full pulse, tachycardia (over 90),
systolic hypertension (upper number is high when blood pressure taken), frequent stools or diarrhea, eye complaints, swelling of the outer portion of the shins, swollen fingers.
Even though your doctors have declared that your blood work is normal, you need to ask for copies and keep a record of them. Your blood tests may be high normal or low normal.
Tests needed to diagnosis Thyroid disease:
Free T3, Free T4, and TSH
You can also have tachycardia, palpitations, and breathlessness with
And your symptoms could point to another condition as well as thyroid disease or something other than thyroid disease.