Hello, I am a female and I am 22 years old. I am currently taking a medication called accutane, the brand is clarivis and I take 60mg a day. I started this medication in late December. I smoke marijuana, on occasion (maybe once every two months). Recently, I was at a party with a few friends and decided to smoke. When I did, I was fine for the first 20 minutes, it was a normal high. But within seconds I began to feel like I was in a dream, I couldn t pull myself back into reality and when I did I was struck with fear because of my inability to remember/comprehend what was happening around me. I was getting so absorbed into my thoughts I didn t know what reality was. This went on the entire night and I freaked my girlfriends out pretty bad. By the time I woke up in the morning, it was gone. After this scary night, the only thing my friends could say about my reaction was that the weed was laced. So I brushed it off. About 5 weeks later, I decided to smoke again aware of what had happened to me the last time. I was scared. But I decided it was a one time thing and everything would be fine. This time, I had a normal high for about an hour. and then I started experiencing mt symptoms again. They stayed around for about 24 hours. And they completely left after 3 days. But even now, two weeks later, I have relapses. I ve done much reading online about what I m experiencing and it s all led to a thought disorder. I ve read other stories very similar to mine but never gotten a clear answer. So I guess my question is this, does taking accurane and smoking marijuana damage my brain, or is marijuana triggering a thought disorder in my brain?